Nov 30, 20222 min

CareSight 50

Marquis Woodard

December 2022

Happy December everyone. We are nearing the end of 2022 and what a year it has been. Thank you to everyone for your hard work and continued efforts toward making our communities safer. Speaking of, one of the tools we now have for making our communities safer is access to CareSight.

What is CareSight and how does it make our communities safer? Well, CareSight is a data analytics software that we are able to overlay onto our Rauland Responder Systems. CareSight is then able to see the call activity happening within the nurse call system. Not only that, but it can also monitor the health of the servers that are collecting data from the nurse call system. Where CareSight goes further is with its ability to also gather data from other systems within the hospital that nurse call alone does not have access to. Such as Vocera badges, or Alaris Pumps, or even bed data from Stryker/Hill-Rom. Having all of this data in one single view or tool, allows caregivers to make more informed decisions about patient care, staffing, even how they respond to sentinel events. In doing so, caregivers can make our communities safer because we give them tools with more information.

What is this CareSight 50? CareSight 50 is an initiative created to quickly get our existing customers up and running with the minimal feature of monitoring the nurse call system health. While the Rauland nurse call does not depend on servers to function with life safety, it does need servers for advanced features like integrations with wireless phones. Unfortunately, servers are computers and they do go offline or have issues from time to time. Issues we or the facility may not know about for days. With CareSight we can now monitor the health of the servers and know within hours that there is a problem. Lone Star Communications can then be proactive in providing support before the customer even calls us. Shortening our response time and customer downtime. So, our initiative is to get 50 of our customer sights live and monitored by our CareSight Point Readers by the end of the year. There are some IT challenges of course but we started strong and with a continued focus on this initiative we can make it. So far, we have two sites that are live. However, we have agreements from customers for another twenty-five or so as of the writing of this article. We just have to get the customers to build the Reader Server.

Where will this take us in the future? Lone Star and our 50 monitored sites can have their data collected while we are monitoring the health of the servers. With this “sampling” of data, the Sales and CAS teams can be more specific in their interactions with customers on initiatives and ways Lone Star can help through additions. Additions like expanding in hospitals that are not 100% Rauland or providing enhance reporting data for clinical informatics teams. These additional sales help build up Lone Star business in areas or locations where hardware sales may be slow. Making Lone Star a more valued partner.

- Marquis Woodard, Chief Sales Officer