February, 2022
Completed Support Items:
Opportunity Won/Lost Status & Date
- Fixed a bug that was causing the Won/Lost date to change to current date every time the opportunity was updated.
Payroll Export
- Updated the payroll export for new On Call time bills
Service Contract ESA Hours Display
- Fixed a bug that was causing the ESA hours to calculate incorrectly.
Bug Fixes
Check Register Report
- Fixed the way the numbers where displaying, all number are now positive.
Resource Console Bug
- Applied a patch to fix a bug that was causing the resource console to load incorrectly.
New or Updated Reports, Dashboards, or Workflows:
New Reports
Return Visit Projects
- Report tracks hours that have been spend returning to a project to repair issues.
Can be found under Project > Quick Views
Master Profile
- Report shows the active Profiles for the Masters
Can be found under Live Data > Imports
Backordered Parts
- Shows all Q & A type items not received by the request date on the project material list
Can be found under Live Data > Inventory
Recurring Purchase Orders
- Shows all recurring purchase orders
Can be found under Accounting > Accounts Payable > Quick Views
Edits to Existing Reports
Service Call invoice Prints
- Both service call invoice prints have been updated to now show the call number on the invoice
Active Project List
- Added a column for Invoice To
- Added a filter to show active and inactive project
- Added a filter to search for Invoice To
New Dashboards
Programming & Training Employee Utilization
- Shows utilization for Programing & Training teams
Items Currently in progress:
Packing Slip
- Updated the Date to show the date it is printed
Products Tab on Customer
- Project Number isn’t showing
Quote Prints
- Add a line next to the signature for PO
Customer Project Tab
- Add an option to view project where the vendor was the invoice to
Deferred Revenue Contract Spun off Projects
- Having the master/product come over in the line items so recurring call can be created on that line item
Add Opportunity Document to Call
- Add an option to view documents from the Opportunity linked to the call
Add fields to the Knowledge Base
- Add the Department to the file form
- Add columns on the search form for System Type, System Name, Type & Status
Global Holiday Schedule
- A way to add the holiday schedule all at once
Future Build Development Items :
Spring 2022:
Split Line Items Material List
- Ability to split multiple lines into single lines
Time Period - Add Quarterly to date & Next Year
- Adding a filter option for each quarter and next year.
Future Unscheduled Development Items:
Opportunity Funnel Tasks in Resource Console
- Be able to move Opportunity funnel tasks on Resource Console like a project task.
Master Number - Profile Tab - Profile Grid
- Hide expired profiles and add a see all check box.
Canceling HR Requests
- Give the user the ability to cancel their HR time off request after it has been approved.
Global Schedule
- Option to change the hours on the global schedule
Time Period - Add Quarterly to date & Next Year
- Adding a filter option for each quarter and next year.
WBS (Work Breakdown Schedule) Development
- Have the WBS1, WBS2… fill in the WBS instead of the other way round.
- Heather Hiett, Q360 Support Specialist