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October Houston Weekly Update

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Ron Kruse

Lone Star Communications, Houston

(d) 281-846-7352

(c) 817-739-5106

OCTOBER 26, 2022


Town Hall October 2022 - Open Enrollment

Thursday October 27, 2022 @ 14:30

Open Enrollment – Lone Star Communications Benefit Programs We will be having open enrollment for benefits programs for 2023.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Cliff Switzer for juggling plates and finding time to create the Employee of the month compilation photos and editing a few videos on the side for us. Above and beyond. Thanks Cliff.


Thank you to the thirty-seven people (84%) that took the survey. Also to those of you that left specific feedback. Some of the scores & feedback will be discussed at the November 9th roundtable.


I will preview by telling you that the overwhelming feedback from the recent survey centered around company vehicle GPS speed thresholds. We can talk about that more at the November 9th Roundtable and the November 7th safety meeting if you would like further discussion. I am also available for a visit most any day of the week.

Our records were consistently showing excessive top-end speeds that were not defensible (20-24 mph over). From the home office in Houston Texas, here is a clip of the top six from one week in June.

The GPS thresholds are global settings (we can't make individual tweaks) that had to be adjusted to deter speeds that could cause us serious insurance premium fee increases. We have set these thresholds to protect the company. Our office has 25 active vehicles and there are 130 active vehicles across the Lone Star universe. It cost a good deal to insure and maintain these vehicles.


OCTOBER 21, 2022


Sent: Friday, October 21, 2022 9:53 AM To: Ron Kruse Cc: Donna Montgomery; Regina Wysocki Subject: Shout-Out for Regina Wysocki

I just sat in on a Zoom training session for our St. Luke’s O’Quinn Tower project, and Regina ran the meeting with poise and confidence like she had been doing it for years. This project has both R5000 and R5 in the same building, so she had to teach both systems in the one session. There were only three questions at the end, so she covered the bases very well.

Great Job, Regina!

Gregory Propps | Technology Consultant


Thanks for your participation in the recent survey. Congratulations to LSCT and LSAR on 100% participation.


October 24 - Employee of the Month voting begins

November 3 - Virtual Town Hall & Newsletter publish

November 9 - 2nd Wednesday Flywheel Roundtable Coffee

Survey results information, Care50 Theme, Lone Star Technical Institute

November 30 - 5th Wednesday Pizza

November 30 - Basic DC Switching Lab

December 7 - Fiber Optic Termination

December 15 - Basic DC Switching Lab


OCTOBER 17, 2022

Ray's 10/13/22 email reposted here.


Ray Bailey

Hello All,

I just want to make everyone aware that Lone Star Communications is doing its quarterly employee satisfaction survey this week. You can expect an invitation today (10/13) from 15Five (formerly Emplify) and a reminder every day until you complete the survey. It starts today and must be completed by next Wednesday (10/19). Remember this survey is our way of finding what programs and policies work for Lone Star and what new policies we need within the company.

Please take a moment to do the survey as soon as you have 5 minutes available. Do not put it off, do it as soon as you can please. This is very important to Lone Star management to know where we are making good decisions and what needs to be improved. It is because of this survey we have a number of projects and policies at Lone Star we have like the newsletter, the employee of the month program and many others. We need everyone companywide to take this survey. Let me know directly if you have any issues with any of the questions.

I know it is very repetitive, there are a lot of the same questions and this the only way we can really compare the results from one quarter to another. However, this survey includes some new and important questions, so please take it soon. I appreciate you taking the time to take this survey and look forward to seeing its results next week.

Until next time, Ray


Here’s the video for last week’s webinar. We will get it on our YouTube channel and TechStar next week.


OCTOBER 6, 2022


Virtual Town Hall Meeting Thursday October 6 @ 14:30

Retirement Reality Check

This month will be dedicated to the 401k program. Hosted by Ramona Rook with Lone Star and Ona Powell with Ascensus. Discussion will center around how to monitor your savings. How much do you need to retire? Are you saving enough? Are you investing properly?


Cliff Switzer - New Project 4537 - Harris Health Acres Homes Mammo Project [O'Donnell Snider]

Cliff Switzer - New Project 4538 - Harris Health Baytown Mammo Project [O'Donnell Snider]

Greg Propps - New Project 4539 MD Anderson CT and Lutheran Pavilion Level 2 [Vaughn]


Thanks to Marquis Woodard for taking on the the role as facilitator & Justo Garza for being a discussion leader. Ten people participated in a SWOT [Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats] in the Command Central conference room on October 5th.

The discussion and breakouts were be based around their observations and viewpoints regarding our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that our employees see in the industry and with our customers.

Thanks to Juan Castillo, Rey Chapa, Julie Fischer, Roberto Lopez, Jaime Pena, Hector Reyes, Aaron Reyna, Bryan Peltier, Jamie Selman and Violeta Soria.

More results to follow.


This quarter’s Emplify (15FIVE) survey is Wednesday, October 12 to Wednesday, October 19.




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